Sunday, August 27 – Psalm 50:1-6 – The One is Shining Forth
The work of God’s hands is faithful and just. ~~ Psalm 111:7a
Life is a series of exclamations from “O No!” to “Help!” to “Oh Yeah!” We may find ourselves swinging between disappointment, helplessness, and gratitude on a daily basis. There are also seasons of our lives when we feel inundated with more of one feeling than the others.
The Book of Psalms knows all about this. Written over a span of time from exile and isolation to the rebuilding of the community, the breadth of emotions spanned in the Psalms is nearly comprehensive.
Feeling grateful? There’s a Psalm for that.
Feeling fearful? There’s a Psalm for that.
Feeling abandoned? Yep, there’s a Psalm for that too.
As we enter into the “lazy days of summer”, perhaps it’s time to practice “Selah” – a word often found in the Psalms. Scholars are unsure of exactly what the word means, but in context, it seems to be an invitation to pause….to breathe…to settle and sense that we are being held.
Each Sunday, from July 16 to August 27, we will be challenged or comforted or encouraged by the heartfelt poetry of the Psalms. And, each week, we will be reminded that through it all we can trust and even give our thankful “Oh Yeah!” because God is, indeed, holding our lives.