Preparing for Pentecost

What are you doing to prepare for Pentecost?

We have been working together to remember and renew the flames of the Spirit that inspire our worship, service, and relationships. We are eager to display this cohesive work of many hands on Sunday, May 19. Join us!

Holy Week and Easter Services

Palm Sunday Worship
Sunday, March 24 at 10:15 am

The children and chancel choir will lead us in a time of jubilant praise as we continue our Lenten Theme – It’s a Heart Thing – by reflecting on the characteristics of an Obedient Heart.


Love Feast/Maundy Thursday Service
Thursday, March 28 at 7:00 pm

This deeply meaningful service reenacts the Last Supper.  Together, we will share in a time of silent confession, feet/handwashing, a simple meal, and communion as we continue our Lenten Theme – It’s a Heart Thing – by reflecting on the characteristics of a Thankful Heart.  Everyone is welcome to attend and participate – you do not need to be a member of this congregation.

Easter Sunrise Service
Sunday, March 31 at 7:00 am

Everyone is welcome to this community Easter Sunrise Service at the Mountville Park Pavilion (just beyond our parking lot).  Leadership will be provided by the pastors of the Mountville Ministerium including: the Mountville Church of the Brethren, Trinity United Church of Christ, Concordia Evangelical Lutheran Church, Mountville Mennonite Church, St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, and St. Anne’s Retirement Community.  Join with your neighbors in proclaiming Christ is Risen!

Easter Sunday Worship
Sunday, March 31 at 10:15 am

The chancel choir and brass will lead us in a time of celebration as we conclude our Lenten Theme – It’s a Heart Thing – by reflecting on the characteristics of a Joyful Heart.  Christ is not here!  He has risen as he said.  Alleluia!


Access the Online Church Directory

The online pictorial directory is now available!  We are continuing to add photos, so if you haven’t submitted yours yet, please contact Jackie for the many ways we can receive them.  Click this link to create your login.

If your email address wasn’t included in our 2023 print directory, then you will need to let Jackie know to include your email address.  (We did not automatically pull them in from our Announcements and Prayer Requests email list.)


Invitation to Love Feast

Sunday, October 8 at 6 PM in the Fellowship Hall

Everyone is welcome to attend one of the most distinctive practices in the Church of the Brethren — the Love Feast. Twice a year, we gather to share in prayer, serve one another in the washing of feet (or hands), eat a simple meal together, and take communion in remembrance of Christ’s great love for us.
You do not have to be a member to partake, and you may participate or observe – to your comfort level. There is room at God’s table for everyone! Come, taste and see that the Lord is good!


Summer in the Psalms

Sunday, August 27 – Psalm 50:1-6 – The One is Shining Forth

The work of God’s hands is faithful and just. ~~ Psalm 111:7a

 Life is a series of exclamations from “O No!” to “Help!” to “Oh Yeah!” We may find ourselves swinging between disappointment, helplessness, and gratitude on a daily basis. There are also seasons of our lives when we feel inundated with more of one feeling than the others.

The Book of Psalms knows all about this. Written over a span of time from exile and isolation to the rebuilding of the community, the breadth of emotions spanned in the Psalms is nearly comprehensive.

Feeling grateful?  There’s a Psalm for that.
Feeling fearful?  There’s a Psalm for that.
Feeling abandoned?  Yep, there’s a Psalm for that too.

As we enter into the “lazy days of summer”, perhaps it’s time to practice “Selah” – a word often found in the Psalms. Scholars are unsure of exactly what the word means, but in context, it seems to be an invitation to pause….to breathe…to settle and sense that we are being held.

Each Sunday, from July 16 to August 27, we will be challenged or comforted or encouraged by the heartfelt poetry of the Psalms.  And, each week, we will be reminded that through it all we can trust and even give our thankful “Oh Yeah!” because God is, indeed, holding our lives.

Faith in Action

Our Stitch, Sew, and Share group meets weekly to knit, crochet, and work on other fabric arts. During our time together, we share patterns and stories; we help each other; and we look for ways to meet community needs with what we lovingly make. Recently, a group member brought to our regular gathering a request for blankets for patient beds at a local hospital. What you see will be donated with joy to UPMC Lititz.

Stitch, Sew, and Share meets on Wednesdays at 1:00 pm.  All are welcome to either Stitch, Sew, or simply Share.

Join Us for Easter


All are welcome to join the joyful celebration of Easter – Sunday, April 9 at 10:15 am.

Our worship music will be accompanied by brass, and all singers are invited to join the choir in singing the Hallelujah Chorus at the conclusion of our service.

We eagerly anticipate sharing together that Christ is Risen!  He is risen indeed!

The Generosity of Space

In Galatians 5, Paul lists the fruits of the Spirit. One of those fruits is generosity. We can be generous with our finances. We can be generous with our time and service. And we can be generous with our space. All of these expressions of generosity demonstrate the Spirit’s activity in this place.
Friday and Saturday of last week, we opened our doors to the Mountville Library for their twice-a-year book sale. We do this every year. We also provide space for:
Un Nuevo Renacer Church of the Brethren
Red Rose Antique Car Club
Girl Scouts
Behavioral Healthcare Fellowship Events
Rise Against Hunger, who each year packs thousands of meals from our facility
Weekly Distribution center for Power Packs
We are a polling place for our community
We host the annual community Christmas Concert
Praising God for this place, and the blessing it is to share it.

Invitation to Love Feast – April 6

“If I have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet. For I have set you an example, that you also should do as I have done to you….If you know these things, you are blessed if you do them.”
The words of Jesus recorded in John 13:14-15, 17

There is an image that floats around on the Internet each year around this time. It says,  Sometimes I joke about what I’d do if I had one day left to live. Eat junk, go crazy, etc. Today it hit me: Jesus knew. And he washed feet.” 

Jesus knew. And he washed feet. He said we should wash one another’s feet. And he said we would be blessed if we did. What more can be said by way of invitation than that?

On Thursday, April 6 at 7:00 p.m., we will gather in our own upper room, the fellowship hall, to share in the gift of Love Feast. We will take off our shoes and stand on hallowed ground. And, we will physically express the love of Christ by washing one another’s feet. [A handwashing station is available for those who need that option.]

Make it a priority to attend. We’ll share in singing, prayer, a simple meal, and communion…all for love. Everyone is welcome at this table. All you need to bring is a willingness to receive the love of Christ as offered through his disciples…us.

Pre-Lenten Service of Anointing

February 22 is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. It falls 40 days (excluding Sundays) before Easter Sunday. Lent is a time of intentional spiritual discipline. For some people, that means giving up something, turning Lent into a kind of “holy diet”. For others, it’s a time of adding something, like a daily prayer ritual.

In anticipation of our Lenten journey together, we will share a special service on Sunday, February 19 with the theme “Emptied”. Be encouraged to empty yourself in order to
receive God’s grace anew. As part of worship that Sunday, we will offer a time of anointing.

Everyone is welcome to attend and participate.  May God bless your unique journey to the cross this season of Lent.

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