Live Advent Wreath

You’ve heard of Live Nativities.  But have you ever heard of a Live Advent Wreath?  This year, we are anticipating the coming of the Light of the World through the eyes of the candles of Hope, Love, Joy, Peace…and the Christ Candle.

Each Sunday of Advent, our narrator Dave invites each candle to share their special kind of joy at the coming birth.

The candle of Joy cannot contain her excitement!

As the days grow shorter, our lights grow brighter.  Join us Sundays at 10:15 am and “wait with us”.  Joy to the World…the Lord is come!

Advent Nativity Sets Display

Advent is upon us. One of the ways we are anticipating the birth of the Christ Child is in sharing our favorite nativity sets. Each one offers a unique perspective of this miracle of love!

All of these sets are precious! The one pictured below in the back left was handcrafted by one of our members from items around the house – gourds, cotton, and cinnamon sticks. The one in the back right was handmade in Africa.  Be sure to stop in and inspect them up close!



Worship. Fellowship. Work.

This Sunday, we dedicated 25 clean up buckets to the glory of God and our neighbor’s good. These buckets will be used in the rebuilding efforts following hurricane Ian.

Following worship, we shared in a fellowship meal before our Congregational Business Forum, where we affirmed new church leaders, accepted the 2023 budget, and celebrated the work of our refugee resettlement team.
Thankful for this faith community!
Photo credit: Harold Ulmer

A Beautiful Advent Tradition Comes to Our Narthex

This Advent, beginning November 27, Mountville Church of the Brethren will fill its two Narthex display cases with Nativity sets borrowed from its congregation. Here is your invitation to participate in this creative way to reflect on Jesus’ birth.

Some background. At the beginning of Advent each year, Christians everywhere prepare the Bethlehem scene of the days before Christmas Day by setting up Nativity sets in their homes and places people gather… like their churches. It’s a beautiful faith tradition.

Nativity sets vary greatly in design and focus. Some are engaged solely with Mary and Joseph at the manger. Some sets are reminders of shepherds with their flocks watching from a distance.  One set I remember from my youth includes the husband and wife inn keepers looking lovingly across the street at the manger sheltering the holy family and a few common folk wondering what is about to happen. And then there were sets which emphasized well-traveled folks from other lands-the Magi, foretelling the unfolding event which will impact the entire world. There was even a story I heard about of a Nativity set which had lost its Joseph so one of the family’s young boys found a “substitute’ for him with a Little People Batman. Wonderful, isn’t it, how the nativity scene inspires so many different thoughtful depictions and perspectives. This makes each one special.

If you have a Nativity set you can “loan” to our church’s Narthex display during the Advent season, bring it in by November 20.

The Advent season is all about reflecting on how we can prepare our hearts for Christ’s birth in and for the world as it is today.

Displaying all our family Nativity sets together will be a heartwarming gift to the Savior we love.


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